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BidPrime's Future Opps Surpasses Major Milestones in Public Sector Contract Intelligence

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Future Opps is not just about predicting opportunities; it's about providing our clients with the strategic insights needed to win those opportunities.
— Josh Schwartzbeck, CTO
AUSTIN, TX, USA, June 25, 2024 / -- BidPrime is excited to announce that Future Opps, the latest addition to BidPrime's Contract Intelligence Suite, has surpassed significant milestones in its goal to revolutionize the forecasting of future state and municipal contracts. Since its launch in February 2024, Future Opps has exceeded 100,000 active term contracts that are scheduled for renewal, further solidifying its role as an essential tool for any business engaged in public sector work.

Future Opps continues to innovate by integrating pre-RFP opportunities into its comprehensive database. This enhancement alerts users to identify and prepare for contracts well before they are officially released, providing a significant competitive edge in the public procurement process.

In addition to these new developments, Future Opps now captures data on hundreds of billions of dollars in competitive awarded contract spend. This vast repository includes bidders lists, contract and award documents, and important contact details for both winning vendors and agency buyers.

"Future Opps has reshaped how our clients approach public sector contracting," said Stephen Hetzel, CEO of BidPrime. "The integration of pre-RFP opportunities and the robust awarded contract data provide our clients with the intel needed to best position themselves for future contracts. With Future Opps, businesses can now be more proactive and competitive in their goal of identifying, qualifying and winning contracts."

One of the most exciting aspects of Future Opps is the constant addition of active term contracts. Every week, 1,500 new active term contracts are added to the database, which ensures that users have access to the most current and relevant information. This dynamic data set includes important details such as bidders lists, contract and award documents, winning vendor contact details, and contact details on agency buyers.

Future Opps uses BidPrime's massive database of over 15 million bids and RFPs, making use of advanced parsing techniques to extract key information related to contract periods. Future Opps predicts the expected release periods for new solicitations, by analyzing historical RFP specifications and term contract cycles, equipping businesses to proactively develop winning strategies.

Key Benefits of Future Opps:

* Predictive Contract Intelligence: Utilizing over a decade of data to forecast contract opportunities.
* Proactive Business Strategy: Early insights into term contracts assists businesses with preparing and shaping future RFPs.
* Competitive Edge: Access to past bid winners' information using BidPrime's Premium Intel Credits and pricing data helps to shape future proposals.
* Expansive Data Repository: Leveraging 15 million+ bids and RFPs for detailed trend analysis.
* Innovation in Procurement: Future Opps' advanced parsing techniques offer a significant advantage in contract forecasting.

"By taking advantage of our extensive network of agency coverage, we've been able to identify over half a trillion dollars of annual future spend data. This data, allocated by budget from existing contracts, is likely up for future bidding," said Josh Schwartzbeck, CTO of BidPrime. "Future Opps is not just about predicting opportunities; it's about providing our clients with the strategic insights needed to win those opportunities."

Future Opps is a premium module of BidPrime's Contract Intelligence Suite. To learn more about BidPrime's Contract Intelligence Suite or adding it to your current BidPrime account, please contact your BidPrime account representative.

Bill Culhane
+1 888-808-5356
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