Booming calf prices go from strength to strength
Eugene Clune of Carnew Mart reported a scarcity of Friesian bulls, which once dominated calf sales
Jersey calves, which farmers were giving away for free last year, are now freely making €100/hd
The calf trade is booming with continentals reaching up to €1,110, while Jersey calves, which farmers were giving away for free last year, are now making €100/hd.
Helen Kells of Carrigallen Mart, Co Leitrim, reported that the calf trade is “on fire”, with a top price of €1,110 for a mid-February-born Belgian Blue-cross heifer out of a Hereford-cross cow at last Saturday’s sale.
She said that one-month-old lighter, Friesian calves ranged from €50-€250/hd, with €100+ “being commonplace”.
One-month-old Angus and Hereford-type calves sold for €200-€440, but reached up to €610 on Saturday, while Belgian Blue calves out of Friesian cows made from €290-€800/hd, with many lots making €500-€700/hd.
“It is looking like some people are buying calves as replacements, instead of older cattle, because of price. There is a 50:50 split between exporters and farmer buyers.”
According to Denis Lane of Abbeyfeale Mart, Co Limerick, “calves aren’t getting any cheaper”.
“Farmers were giving away Jersey-cross calves last year, but this year, they are selling them for €100,” he said.
“Every type of a calf is wanted this year. There are people buying calves this year that didn’t buy them last year because store cattle have gone too dear.”
Good quality Friesian calves, born in mid-February, sold for €190-€240/hd, while export-type Friesians ranged from €130-€200/hd.
“At Saturday’s sale, a four-week-old Limousin-cross heifer out of a Belgian Blue cow sold for €900, while a Charolais bull, the same age, made €745 and a three-week-old Belgian Blue bull sold for €660.”
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Lane reported that farmers are buying 70pc of calves, with exporters purchasing the remainder.
Eugene Clune of Carnew Mart, Co Wicklow, echoed that calf prices are “very strong”, underpinned by activity from farmers, exporters and agents, but reported a growing scarcity of Friesians, which once dominated calf sales.
“Friesian bull calves are very scarce. In my opinion, this is because of sexed semen and the contraction of the whole dairy industry. We are seeing more dairy-beef bred calves come through the gates of Carnew, with more Belgian Blue and Charolais-sired calves than previous. They are making from €400-€650/hd.
We are seeing more dairy-beef bred calves come through the gates
“Four years ago, our first three sales would have been full of Friesians wall to wall and now, there may only be 150 Friesian out of 1,000 calves in a sale. They are getting scarcer.”
He reported that Friesian calves are up at least €100/hd on 2024 levels, with €85-€140 for lighter types and €170-€300 for stronger calves.
“There are very few lighter Friesian calves under €100. Good dairy-bred Angus and Hereford calves are up €50-€70/hd on last year.
“Plainer Hereford and Angus that sold for €50-€60/hd last year are marking €200/hd this year, with €220-€340/hd being the general run.
“Forty per cent of calves are going for export, farmers are buying 30pc and agents are buying the remainder of these calves. They end up in farmer’s yards two or three days later. There are a lot of farmers for calves this year.
“People who reared 20-30 calves the last two years are rearing 50-80 calves this year because of the price of other stock.”