I want to share my perspective on the proposed increase in truck weight limits in Alabama, speaking as someone who works directly in the industry as a log truck driver. This issue is critical to the livelihoods of many hardworking people and to the continued success of the state’s forestry sector.

The challenges of operating a log truck have grown significantly in recent years. Insurance premiums keep rising, fuel prices fluctuate unpredictably, and truck maintenance costs have soared due to the increasing price of parts and repairs. Despite these mounting expenses, the rates paid to haul raw wood remain relatively stagnant because of supply and demand constraints. Timber is so plentiful that mills often hit capacity before the end of the workweek, forcing them to impose quotas and stop purchases early. These restrictions directly impact our ability to make a living and keep our businesses afloat.

Alabama’s forestry industry is the second-largest in the state, generating over $36.3 billion for the economy and employing more than 54,000 people. As the fourth-largest lumber producer in the country, Alabama’s forest products contribute more than $12.5 billion annually. With 93% of the state’s timberland owned by private landowners, this industry is the backbone of many rural communities and working families.

Increasing the legal weight limit for trucks would allow us to transport more wood per trip, improving efficiency and helping offset rising operational costs. Modern trucks are designed to safely handle heavier loads, and we follow strict safety protocols regarding braking systems, load securement, and vehicle maintenance to ensure road safety.

Some argue that heavier trucks will cause excessive road damage, but this overlooks an important fact—truckers already contribute significantly to road maintenance through fuel taxes and other fees. Additionally, Alabama’s Department of Transportation regularly assesses and reinforces infrastructure to handle designated weight limits, ensuring safe and sustainable road conditions.

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For those of us in the trucking industry, the stakes are high. Without an adjustment to weight limits, many drivers and trucking businesses will struggle to survive. The forestry industry plays a crucial role in Alabama’s economy, and allowing truckers to haul more per load would provide much-needed relief, ensuring that businesses remain viable and families stay supported.

The trucking industry, especially log hauling, is already one of the most heavily regulated industries in the country. We are constantly monitored, from axle weights to mechanical inspections, where everything from brake systems to windshield washer fluid levels is scrutinized. While safety regulations are necessary, the level of enforcement we face is overwhelming, and some form of relief is overdue. In some cases, drivers have been aggressively pursued as if committing a crime, only to be weighed in unsafe traffic conditions. That said, many DOT officers are professional, safety-conscious, and understand the challenges we face. We respect those who prioritize both trucker and public safety.

If weight limits are not raised, the future of Alabama’s log trucking industry — and by extension, the forestry sector — remains uncertain. I urge lawmakers and voters to consider the real-world impact of this decision. SB110 is an essential step in sustaining our industry, strengthening Alabama’s economy, and ensuring that truckers can continue providing for their families.

Nicholas Askew is an Alexander City resident.