During the Covid lockdown 5 years ago, we needed heroes to help see us through to the other side. And if there is one thing that we have learned during the coronavirus pandemic, it's that Essex was full of them.

During Covid, everything changed seemingly over night. Thousands of people lost their jobs and sadly thousands also lost their lives.

And during these times, there were some unsung heroes in the county which kept the county going. From frontline workers such as doctors, nurses and carers to the lesser known heroes, we had many here in Essex.

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5 years on from the first Covid lockdown, we are looking back at just some of the unsung heroes who kept the county going. There are hundreds of people beyond the individuals we've highlighted in Essex all making a difference, who kept us smiling even in some of our darkest days.

Here are 51 of Essex's amazing heroes helping our communities and protecting the NHS.

1. Keeping Essex singing at virtual open mic nights

A community radio DJ from Phoenix FM transformed the weekly open mic night at the Essex Arms on Warley Hill into a virtual event. When the event could no longer take place due to social distancing measures, John Good encouraged performers to upload videos of themselves singing to the event’s Facebook group.

"It is the only way," he said. "At the open mic night we can get anywhere between eight and 12 people, I had one before with 20. "Every event we get a lot of youngsters, so we’re doing it over Facebook to keep it going.

“There were about five or six all together [on the first night]. It was short notice and a lot of people don’t have the facilities for tracks, as I normally supply the tracks.”

Francesca Spiteri, Jon’s partner, added: “It’s lifting people’s spirits, it’s all good fun and in the face of adversity it’s really lovely to have something so fun for our community.”

After just the first night, more performers were contacting Jon asking if they could take part in the coming weeks. Jon said he intends to continue holding the virtual open mic nights until they can move them back to the pub.

2. Funky Voices choir goes virtual

A choir with hundreds of members across Essex found a way to carry on singing together throughout the lockdown. Sandra Colston, the director of Funky Voices choir, turned the spare room in her house into a mini ‘TV studio’, with three laptops, three extra screens, three cameras and two mixing desks to get the meetings to work.

Every evening she has been hosting rehearsals, quizzes, and karaoke to help keep the choir community together. “We kicked off our opening night with over 300 people joining in,” Sandra said.

“ When we are all singing our songs they’re waving about, clapping about. “It’s a gorgeous sight, heart warming, I cannot wait to do the next night which is a great feeling.”

Sandra said she has received messages from some of the members who are NHS workers, others who are caring for elderly relatives, and some who are self-isolating, saying how much the sessions have helped them. They are all extremely positive and grateful for [the choir],” she said.

“It’s so rewarding for me and great for my mental health and they have been so supportive saying they still want to keep their membership, so if that is the case I need to offer things.”

3. Online recorder lessons

A music teacher from Chelmsford vreated a series of recorder lessons online for children to follow at home. Robert Reich-Storer’s own children have helped him to create the videos.

“I heard from parents that the kids were bored and needed something to do,” he said. My kids were bored so have helped me make it, my son is learning to use video editing.”

Robert chose the recorder as he said it was something most children would have in their homes. He added that he had been teaching the recorder to his pupils at Coopersale Hall School in Epping to encourage them to learn to play an instrument.

“When I first started as a specialist music teacher, I shied away from it, but I recently took it up,” Robert said. “Not many children were interested in instruments so I wanted to increase their popularity. I have been doing it the last three years and the children have then learnt to play other instruments.”

Some of his students' parents have sent him pictures of the children following his videos playing their recorders. Robert says he will be continuing to make the videos throughout the lockdown, and may even branch out to ukulele lessons.

4. School uniform day for the NHS

Alison Huish, Reception Teacher at Christ the King Federation

An Essex mum is hoping to unite the children of the county in raising money for the NHS. Emma Spring asked children to take part in a ‘School Uniform Day’ last Friday (April 3) in a twist on the traditional non-uniform days.

She said: “I have been trying to find a way to help with the coronavirus outbreak, while isolating at home with my children. “This idea came from an old school friend who thought it would be a great way to unite school children of the UK, whilst also raising valuable funds for the NHS.

“I jumped at the opportunity to help him. The idea is very simple, we often have non-school uniform or dress up days at our schools across the country where children donate £1 to dress up, and the funds go to a nominated charity.

“This campaign reverses this concept and asks our children - or adults - across the county, or country, to dress up in their school uniforms for the day on Friday, and donate £1 to the NHS.”

5. Braintree Police help elderly woman get her medication

Two police officers went above the call of duty when they took the time to help a woman in her 80s who was worried about being able to get her medication. On March 24, Margaret had been taking a walk with her friend in Weavers Park, Braintree.

They were sitting on a bench when PC Mel McPherson and PCSO Sally Milton, who had been patrolling the area, approached them to say hello.

During the conversation, Margaret mentioned that she had been having trouble getting the medication she needed. PC McPherson and PCSO Milton volunteered to go to the chemist to pick it up for her.

Margaret said she was so grateful for the help of the officers and expressed her thanks for their actions, which she said were “so kind”. “It only took them about five minutes, I was so relieved,” she added.

“I thanked them so much, I couldn’t believe how kind they were.” PCSO Milton said her “instant thought was to help”.

She added: “I joined the police because I wanted to help people so when Margaret said she was having trouble getting her medication we knew we had to get it for her. We’re here to keep people safe and help our communities and that’s never been more important than now."

6. Don’t Tap Talk

A mum from Billericay wants people to verbally keep in touch after she began to feel low during self-isolation. Thinking others may be feeling the same way, Nicola Cutmore came up with #DontTapTalk, encouraging people to send a voice message rather than texting to help people feel less isolated.

“I had been in the house for a few days self-isolating and I had been starting to feel a bit low that morning and I thought this is ridiculous, and I thought how many other people are feeling like me,” she said. “It was the silence I think. We were told to calm things down, stay at home as much as possible, not to interact as much with each other, and it seemed to have the effect where there was silence, usually you can hear noise outside.

“I thought there has got to be something I can do.” Nicola shared her idea in a video on Facebook and received positive responses not only from her friends, but also from people around the world.

“It’s not a huge gesture to send a voice message 'Hi, just thinking of you,' ” she said. “You can get tons of texts, but it is just words on a screen. It’s actually quicker to record ‘hi, how are you’ than to type it.”

7. Billericay Food Bank feeds those in need

The Billericay Food Bank has said it has seen an increase in demand since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, and is expecting this demand to increase over the coming weeks. However, the food bank has thanked the people of Billericay for their support, saying it has not had a shortage of donations.

Jim Rose, from Billericay Food Bank, said: “We have seen an increase and as [coronavirus] has more of an impact that will probably increase over the next few weeks as well. Billericay Street Pastors have been helping us a great deal and Billericay Town Football Club has given their support with donations, and as we collect from a lot of supermarkets and in general from members of the public and churches, we are getting well supported. People in Billericay have been very generous.”

Mr Rose added that the foodbank is making additional arrangements so that it can meet the expected demand and has started delivering food to people. People can donate food at St John’s Church on Mondays and Thursdays between 2pm and 4pm.

More information on how to help the food bank, or how to get help from the food bank can be found on its website at billericayfoodbank.org.uk.

8. Behind the mask at Broomfield Hospital

Staff at Broomfield Hospital have made a video highlighting some of the many team members who are working day and night to help people at the hospital.

Throughout the video, called ‘We’re all in this together, NHS staff versus Covid-19’, images of NHS workers are shown holding signs saying ‘we are your NHS’ and ‘not all heroes wear capes...but we do wear masks’. As well as the pictures, the video shows members of staff taking off their protective masks and looking into the camera, showing who they are.

At the beginning of the video, a message is shared which reads: “We are your NHS. We are here everyday, and every night, of every year. We leave our families to look after others. We are a team. In any situation, under any circumstance, we’re in this together.”

The video lasts for just under four minutes, and shows people across roles within the hospital. However, these are only a few of the many nurses, doctors, pharmacists, administrators, cleaners, and more who are working in hospitals across the country helping to fight coronavirus.

9. Tesco workers cheer waiting crowds with Macarena dance

The crew at Tesco in Epping cheered waiting crowds - when they broke into the Macarena to entertain those in the queue. The COVID-19 safety measures mean that lining up outside supermarkets and shops is the new normal for many of us.

And the High Road Tesco in Epping is no exception. But shopper Joanne Woodcraft said while she was queuing - for 20 minutes - this was something that made her smile.

"I just want them to know how much they made me smile and others today," she said. "People are so anxious at the moment we need something to make us smile again.

"These two are brilliant, always smiling always happy always so polite as well. It was freezing out there today and they are outside all day. I wish we knew their names."

Queuing has become common at retail outlets so the two metre rule can be adhered to for all shoppers.

10. Essex County Council emergency food provision

Essex County Council has been distributing emergency food supplies from its Witham hub to those in the community who are most at risk from coronavirus as part of Essex Community Shield.

The council has described the scale and challenge of providing food for the county’s most vulnerable as “significant”, but added that it was “determined that nobody should go hungry or be forced to go to the shops putting their health at risk”.

Councillor David Finch, Leader of Essex County Council, said: “I am delighted to see how everyone has pulled together to make this happen so quickly.”

The food received from the Government consisted of catering sized supplies of food ranging from noodles to porridge. The volunteers then split this into smaller parcels, which also required supplementing from supermarkets.

The council is appealing to supermarket managers in the county to “urgently” contact it to help the council continue to deliver food and supplies to people in the county.

It also said it needs an “army of volunteers” to help make sure the vulnerable are supported. Any individuals or businesses that would like to volunteer support are asked to sign up by visiting essex.gov.uk/coronavirus and clicking on ‘volunteer to help your community’.

11. BMAT schools donate 6,000 PPE equipment

Schools from the BMAT multi-academy trust have donated over 6,000 pieces of personal protection equipment (PPE) to the NHS. There have been problems with shortages of some PPE equipment at hospitals across the country.

The trust, which is made up of 11 schools in Essex and East London, has stripped each of its school of its PPE stocks used for science, food technology and design and technology classes in an effort to support medical works. The items donated included gloves, hazmat suits, safety goggles, visors, plastic aprons and shoe covers, which have been sent to the NHS via a government-coordinated hub.

Lucia Glynn, BMAT head of operations, said: “We received a request from Essex County Council asking if we had any PPE we could donate. We felt it was our duty to get as much PPE to those working on the frontline as we could, so we have taken every last item from our 11 schools.”

12. Rainbows appearing around the county

Pictures of rainbows have been appearing in windows around the country as the nationwide lockdown continues. Many of the brightly coloured pieces of artwork have been made by children, but adults have also been getting in on the fun.

The rainbows were not limited to pen and paper, or even paint and paper. Some children even took chalk to their drives and walls to create rainbows and positive messages.

Spreading cheer and solidarity throughout communities, many of the rainbows have been accompanied by messages in support of NHS workers and reminding people to stay at home.

13. Chelmsford Foodbank providing emergency food supplies

Chelmsford Foodbank has been working hard over the past few weeks to continue to provide for those who need it. Ruth Leverett, project manager at the foodbank, said: “We will always be available as an emergency service to provide food for those who cannot afford it.

“However, we are now only open at two of our centres, the Y on Monday, and Grove Road on Wednesday and Friday. We are developing a delivery model both to reduce opportunities for social interaction and to serve those socially isolating.

“At our two open centres, clients will be asked to wait at the door and will receive a pared down service which maintains recommended social distances. Clients are still referred by an agency through a voucher system.

She added that donations have dropped, whilst demand has increased. “Numbers are still high and we can sadly only foresee that the numbers needing our service during this difficult time will only increase,” Ruth said.

“Our warehouse volunteers are working very hard to make up nutritionally balanced food parcels as well as process donations coming in. The biggest way the public can help would be to continue to donate.

“Our most required items are: sponge puddings, fruit juice, UHT milk, instant mash, tinned rice pudding, and squash. Our warehouse is now open everyday between 9.30am and 2.30pm at 450 Beehive Lane, Galleywood Road end.”

14. Gym launches fundraiser to help self-employed trainers through the pandemic

A gym in Chelmsford is raising money to support their freelance fitness staff. The F45 fitness company, which has a studio in Chelmsford, closed their doors to keep their staff and members safe before the lockdown.

Across all their studios, they have 50 self-employed staff, 10 of whom in Chelmsford, facing an uncertain future. Despite the uncertainty, many of the fitness trainers have started sharing videos online to keep people fit in lockdown for free.

That’s why the studio has set up a fundraiser to try and keep self-employed staff financially afloat. Jade Pearman is the co-director and owner of F45 with her partner Tony Ashcroft.

The 45-year-old said: "Some of our trainers are from Australia so they have no families here - they have no other support other than F45," she said.

"They have always leaned on us, we obviously are going through a lot of fear and uncertainty but we are trying to reassure them it's going to be okay.

"Obviously we are going to do as much as we can to help out, and the GoFundMe was just as an emergency to give them a bit of confidence and to reassure the staff everyday waiting to hear from government to hear what is going to help."

15. Chelmsford couple offer gorgeous converted campervan to self-isolating NHS workers for free

A Chelmsford couple is offering their £23,000 campervan to self-isolating NHS staff for free amid the coronavirus crisis. Emily Cotgrove and Oli Arnold bought a Citroen relay panel van with the intentions of converting it into a two-person campervan to hire out for holidaymakers.

By March 2019 the van, named Archi which translates to 'the beginning' in Greek, had been fully converted into a luxurious campervan. Emily said: "Our campervan is just sitting on the drive at the moment because the hiring is on hold, it would be a shame for it not to be used so we thought we would offer it to NHS staff who might be self-isolating.

"The ideal solution would be if the van is parked on their driveways, that way they can still have interaction with their family at the same time as isolating. They can have the van wherever they want but it makes sense for them to have it near their families or place of work.

"We would like to ask anyone with a campervan currently sitting on their drive to make it known that they are happy for someone else to use it, and join us without a campaign." They normally rent out the van for up to £700-a-week, but have chosen to offer to NHS staff for free.

16. Son's invention to protect NHS mum

Elliot Dervish designed the tool to help his mum avoid touching things at hospital

Elliot Dervish from Chelmsford started to become increasingly worried for his mum who works at Basildon Hospital. After seeing ideas online, he used his 3D printer and created a plastic door-puller which would stop her from touching door handles and lift buttons.

Engraved with the words 'Thank you NHS', the brightly coloured tool meant his mum could avoid direct contact around the hospital with doors, buttons and handles, as long as she washed it frequently.

He said: "I was getting a little bit worried about my mum working at hospital - especially when we have all been sent home and countries are on lockdown and they are still having to go in and face people that are carrying it and walking around not realising who is touching things.

"I said you have that, and then loads of her friends asked for some and I thought I could do a post on Facebook and ask if anyone who works at the NHS would want one. We should be doing everything we can, we are all sat at home where there's no risk to our lives so if we can do anything to help we should."

The invention is now reportedly being rolled out to hospitals across Essex.

17. The amazing nurses at Broomfield Hospital

The nurse was a senior sister at Broomfield Hospital
Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, under The Mid and South Essex Hospitals Trust

An entire ward at Broomfield Hospital came together to create a video they wanted to share to the residents of Essex. The amazing nurses and medical staff on the Baddow Ward at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford have shared signs from their children, families and loved ones, as well as photographs of themselves in face masks, in a bid to urge people to stay at home.

The Baddow Ward wanted to do something meaningful and important during a worrying time. They are asking people to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously and to only go out if it is entirely necessary.

The staff who put the video together said: "We just want people to realise the importance of staying at home. "We all love our job and have never been more proud to work for the NHS.

"During this difficult time, we just urge people to take it seriously and stay at home while we and all other NHS staff take care of our patients. Thank you."

The group said the amazing video was a joint effort from all staff who were keen to share photographs and messages to as many people as they could.

18. Pub landlords hand over pub to community volunteers

A pub in Colne Engaine which closed its doors under government orders has allowed the building to be used as a community hub for volunteers co-ordinating donations in the area. Instead of simply leaving the building closed and empty, the pub landlord offered the space to community volunteers.

They’re now using the space as a base of operations. However, activity inside the pub meant many thought the it was still open, meaning police paid a visit.

“We had a visit from the police today saying it had been reported we could be still trading to customers in the pub,” the pub said on their facebook page. Rightly so, they checked this out.

“Darran and I have handed over our beloved pub to the community volunteers who have a control centre there in our restaurant, for looking after the needs of our villagers during this covid -19 pandemic.

“We have provided them with a separate telephone line, an independent computer, use of a printer, a white board, toilets, tea & coffee. This is what any activity is.”

19. Essex catering company feeds the vulnerable

One Essex catering company used the lockdown as an opportunity to provide food for the vulnerable hundreds of vulnerable people. Working through Essex County Council, the Purple Olive catering company, based in Witham, provided a plethora of food for those who are struggling to get it.

Essex County Council said on its Facebook page on March 29: “Big thank you to Purple olive catering for feeding 226 vulnerable people in the Essex community yesterday. An incredible act of kindness to help those in need during this difficult time.”

On the day Purple Olive Catering said on Facebook: “We got a phone call late this morning to provide 226 portions of food for the very vulnerable; challenge accepted.

“We did it! 49 mins over the expected delivery time but there you have it 226 portions of wholesome, warming veggie stew getting ready to leave now. We cannot thank each and every one of you more for all of your amazingly supportive comments today, they have kept us going.”

The two-strong catering company are donating food to The Witham Community Hub, as well as continuing to home-cook food and deliver to people’s homes.

20. Mum praises Moulsham High School for supporting its pupils

Schools up and down the country have been closed following the coronavirus pandemic. Many schools were already running at a reduced capacity before Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave the order to close, meaning that preparation had to be undertaken quickly and efficiently.

With school pupils now studying from home, it is an uncertain time, especially for those due to sit important exams. With schools and teachers having to support students virtually, one mum has praised her child's school for the support they have received.

At Moulsham High School, children are updated with daily work and can ask instant questions. But not only that, parents are also regularly updated on what their children are working on. It’s this competence that not only makes stressed students’ lives easier, but also the lives of both teachers and parents.

One mum said: “I think with the little notice and the mass amount of students it is amazing how they have obviously worked round the clock to make sure the children do not suffer.”

21. Rock band perform NHS charity gig in Harlow

It was an incredibly uncertain time for the music industry. Gigs and festivals cancelled or postponed across the board, and even some new music releases have been moved.

But for the Afterlife Rock Coves Band, it’s a time for planning, as they look to do a fundraiser for the NHS which is currently scheduled for October. On their Facebook page, they said: “This would be as a gesture of thanking all NHS Staff for their tireless work throughout the year and especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

“We would do the gig for free obviously and donate all money raised to a local hospital as a little way of saying thank you, or the venue could use our fees to give any NHS staff member a ‘free’ drink, and it would be a lovely way to celebrate our new found freedom and give a little back to these angels.

“With our following and no doubt a number of NHS staff in attendance you can be sure of a busy evening! We would also invite along any of our local musician friends who may be free and wish to have a social.

22. The Chelmsford man who ran an entire marathon in his back garden

Colin has done 112 marathons

A man in Chelmsford has run an entire marathon in his own back garden on his birthday to raise money for his local hospital. Colin Harpers set off to do 500 laps of his garden, weaving around the path, patio and flower pots to complete the 26.2 miles on his 56th birthday.

Originally, Colin had planned to spend a long weekend with his wife Sharon, 52, in Fuerteventura, lapping up the sunshine and running around the island together but their holiday plans quickly disappeared as fights were grounded in the face of the pandemic.

Colin said: "The idea first occurred to me after reports of a man who ran a marathon on his balcony, which was 7,000 laps or something crazy and that put the idea in my head. It was the applause for the NHS when I thought, actually, can we do something for them and raise a few pounds? And I thought - we can go for this."

"Running for 100 laps around a garden might be dull, it's hard, but I can't imagine for one moment it is anything like a twelve hour shift on a ward. I can relax and feel good after this, I can feel like I have done a good thing, but those guys feel that massive stress weighing down from it."

23. Essex family decorated home with a rainbow made from over 300 balloons

An Essex family have decorated their home with a huge blow-up rainbow to lift the spirits of their community amid the coronavirus lockdown. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, residents across the country have been spending their spare time stuck inside making rainbows and displaying them in their windows.

However, one family from Benfleet took the rainbow design idea to new dizzying heights. The masterminds behind the creation are Sarah Mitchell and her husband of six years, Pete, along with their three-year-old daughter Sienna.

Sarah said: "I thought it would bring the community together with a bit of positivity. We wanted to give people who walk past something to smile at.

She said: "My mum is a nurse on a ward running palliative end of life care. Her patients aren't allowed visitors at a time they really want their family there.

"There has been a lot of stuff in the media for the NHS like the clapping and, while they are doing a fantastic job, people forget about the other people working in healthcare - they should have a shout out as well. So this rainbow is for people who don't work for the NHS but are still helping the service run. They don't get the gratitude they should do."

24. Staff on a Basildon Hospital ward danced along to Olly Murs and went viral

The staff danced to the Olly Murs track

A video of nurses, support workers, doctors and other medical staff dancing on a ward at the Essex hospital has gone viral. The idea came from Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway, where they have asked people to film themselves dancing to be part of the end of their show this week.

When operating department practitioner Sandra Roberts heard that they were asking people to dance, she thought her team would be perfect. Her colleague Lyn Roberts was up for the challenge, and even after a night shift, they grabbed the day team as soon as they came into work one morning in March (Friday, March 20).

The team got together and filmed themselves dancing to Olly Murs' 'Dance with me tonight'. Lyn uploaded the video to Facebook but was not expecting such a huge response.

She said: "I can't believe it. We were just goofing about and said lets do it. We are quite a fun crew really." She said: "I was nice to see something positive out of all this.

"I just wanted to brighten people's days and make people smile. We can't keep up with the negative, if we do then it will just get everyone down."

25. The gym teaming up with leading supermarkets to help the vulnerable

Prince Smith and Alan Troughton, owners and managers of Energie Fitness in Braintree

A gym has had to postpone its opening date due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak - but the pandemic has spurred its owners on to help others in the most amazing way. Energie Fitness was meant to open in Braintree this Easter but Prime Minister Boris Johnson's calls for all gyms, restaurants and pubs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has scuppered its plans.

Instead, owners Prince Smith and Alan Troughton are focusing their efforts on something much more important. They've teamed up with leading supermarkets in the area to drop food and supplies off to the elderly and vulnerable who are currently self-isolating.

Prince Smith said: "We were meant to open but because of everything that has happened we can't - but we want to do what we can to help. If someone, especially someone who is elderly or vulnerable, can't go out because they are self-isolating then they can tell us what they want and we can pick it up.

"What is happening is that no-one can use the online systems because they are full and there are massive queues for supermarkets, so they can just say what they need, whether it's toilet tissue, or chicken breast, and we will pick it up from local supermarkets and deliver it.

"We want to stop wasted trips for vulnerable people and instead they can order something and I can look at all the Tescos and ask who has it, and if they don't we look at the other supermarkets."

26. The Colchester store delivering bagels, doughnuts and more to NHS workers

Although having to sadly close its doors to the public, Bagel Dough in Colchester has now put its efforts into feeding the NHS. The Colchester business has set up a GoFundMe page with a goal of £5,000 which will go towards supplying NHS workers with bagels, doughnuts and snacks.

In that fundraiser, they said: “Our NHS staff are working non stop around the clock during the coronavirus epidemic and they barely have time to stop and eat, we would like to help!

“We currently have a up and running bagel shop in Essex which we are not using, we would like to provide Essex NHS staff with lunch, breakfast or even dinner if we can, with the help of your donations we can supply a variety of filled bagels from meat to vegan, along with our doughnut range and snacks to, we have a delivery truck for multiple trips to delivery these to various hospitals around Essex.

“We are hoping to cater for up to 300 people per day every day for as long as we can and as this is not for profit all donations and help would be greatly appreciated towards feeding our great NHS staff who are risking all to help us!”

27. Chelmsford restaurant serving soup to Broomfield Hospital workers

Acanteen, a popular restaurant in Chelmsford city centre, has been keeping themselves busy during the COVID-19 crisis. As one of the many independent businesses forced to close, they turned their services to helping NHS staff at the nearby Broomfield Hospital.

Staff have been making and delivering fresh soup to workers. They’ve also been encouraging other businesses to do the same.

They said on their Facebook page: “We have been providing healthy soups for the doctors, nurses and support staff to boost their morale and immune systems. These donations are having such a positive impact, but there are far more mouths to feed. ⁣

“The fundraising team at the hospital is currently looking for restaurants and cafés that can provide portioned meals (stews, curries, pasta dishes etc) for their incredible team.

“We understand things are tough right now (financially and emotionally) but if your restaurant/café is able to work just one morning, afternoon or evening a week to make some nutritious meals, we can help get these to the hospital. We can also pick up any packaged food and drink to take with us on our drop-off trips”

28. Harlow estate comes together to raise over £2,000 for NHS staff

Residents of Terlings Park Estate in Gilston, Essex, have come together to raise money for vital equipment for the NHS. A fundraising campaign set up by resident Steve Millar has seen around 100 residents all chip in.

The money raised so far will be used to buy baby monitors. The residents have also set up a GoFundMe page to try and raise enough money to buy a ventilator. Steve has a neighbour who works in ICU at Princess Alexandra Hospital and it was the stories he heard that spurred him on to help out.

He said: “One of my neighbours who works in ICU has been telling me stories, it just makes your heart melt. We will be buying walkie talkies for them to communicate as they have to stay in the ICU room while others are outside and also baby monitors for family to see their loved ones as obviously they’re not allowed visits - sometimes it’s to say goodbye for the last time.”

So far they’ve raised over £2,100, which has gone to buy equipment for staff at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow. They aim to raise even more, to buy more equipment which will not only help staff but patients at the worst affected hospital in the east of England.

29. Essex personal trainer offers free online workouts

Many personal trainers across the county have offered online sessions for free during the lockdown to ensure people are getting the exercise they need. One of those personal trainers is Phil Carpenter, who is based in Little Cranfield.

He set up a Facebook group for people to join for free where he holds fitness sessions twice a day. On his page, he said: “Going stir crazy without being able to exercise properly. I want to help. I want to get you all in love with exercise again.

“I’ve created this group which anyone can join with free access to live workouts/regular at home challenges/diet tips and more. “I am extremely passionate about exercise for both physical and mental health.

He added: “I don’t want anyone to not be able to exercise in these difficult times - that’s exactly why I have made this group and the full timetable free, despite usually offering paid programmes on my website. Every session done to date is still available as a video on his Facebook page for anyone who wants to join in.

30. Southend school offer lab supplies to Southend Hospital

Southend University Hospital

The coronavirus crisis is creating the biggest strain ever put on the NHS. Every day, hospitals around the county are using masks, goggles, screens, aprons and more to keep medical staff safe when helping patients.

Although the NHS is rapidly creating and ordering more equipment from companies around the world, some hospitals have resorted to rationing their stock whilst they wait. At Southend Hospital, their supplies were replenished a little bit from a source close to home; the school over the road.

Chase High School sent over their supply of science goggles for staff at the Respiratory Unit at the hospital. They tweeted: “A massive thank you to Chase High School for their donation of safety goggles for the staff on the Respiratory Unit. Such a kind, thoughtful and really practical gesture. We are so grateful.”

Chase High School is situated on the same road as Southend Hospital, and closed along with every other school in the country in March. Their supplies weren’t needed as pupils weren’t attending.

Other educational facilities are doing similar things, including Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford which donated their stock of medical equipment to the local Broomfield Hospital.

31. Chelmsford printing company creating DIY scrubs

Another company trying to create supplies for the NHS is Blue Sky Printing.The company, which has locations in both Chelmsford and Colchester, is printing DIY scrubs which can be assembled by volunteers so that the NHS don’t run out of supplies.

They are charging volunteers purely for material costs, but have also donated more than 100 for free. It’s just another way local businesses are helping with the fight against COVID-19 in any way they can.

Owner Jonathan Webb said: “Instead of sitting at home bored we are printing dressmaking patterns for volunteers around the country to make scrubs for our NHS frontline staff. “We have been inundated with orders as we are only charging our physical cost price and donating our time.

“We donated over 100 for free but felt like we needed to go sell them at cost as other companies were selling them for £15.99 which we felt was too much.” Comparatively, the scrubs made by Blue Sky Printing cost less that £5.

Jonathan added: “We have had over 1000 orders in 24 hours. We've been working with a FB group called For the Love of Scrubs, previously people were having to print over 50 sheets of A4 and stick them together. We can print them all in one sheet using our large printers.”

32. Thank you note posted through Community Police Officer letterbox

It’s not just NHS workers who deserve our thanks. As key workers, community police officers are still carrying out enquiries and making sure new regulations are enforced. It’s an often thankless job, but one officer for the Epping Forest CPT received a very special thank you note posted through their door.

The note read: “Just wanted to say a huge thank you and give you a clap for all you’ve done and continue to do for our community. Being a policeman these days is such a challenge so well done! You should really be proud of yourself, I know your mum must be.”

The Epping Forest Police Community Safety Team tweeted their thanks, saying: “So something beautiful just happened today. One of our team members has had a note posted through their door today saying this. Thank you to everyone for their support.”

The Epping Forest Police Community Safety Team patrol areas in and around the Epping Forest local authority boundaries. They assist police with regular crime enforcement, which currently also includes making sure people stay indoors.

33. Taxi company offers 20% off for NHS workers

Companies across Essex are reaching out to be able to help out in any way that they can. One of those companies is Happicabs, a taxi firm which operates in Chelmsford, Maldon, Witham and South Woodham Ferrers.

They’ve offered every NHS worker 20% off their fare. Happicabs said on their Facebook page: “To show our admiration for the incredible work and dedication of our healthcare workers, at Happicabs we’re giving 20% discount and fixed fares (no meters) and queue jump facility to all healthcare workers working in the NHS and healthcare sector.

“We know during these unprecedented circumstances, healthcare workers are selflessly working around the clock to keep our country safe - the best role models of society. If you’re an NHS or healthcare worker living in Chelmsford, Witham, Maldon or SWF, please contact us and quote “healthcare worker” at the time of booking to receive discount.”

The taxi firm have also offered a free click and collect delivery service for over 70s who have been told not to leave their house. Over 70s can use the firm to collect essential groceries, prescriptions or even takeaways. They just need to download the Happicabs app.

34. Braintree restaurant deliver food to NHS staff on their breaks

Another restaurant which was sadly forced to close because of the coronavirus pandemic is The Ruby Indian restaurant in Braintree. However, like many others, they took this downtime to lift the spirits of others. Staff at The Ruby made meals for hardworking NHS staff and delivered the meals to workers at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford.

On their Facebook page, they said: “We may be closed for business, however we want to still support our community, and that is what we will continue to do. We delivered 76 well deserved meals to our frontline staff at Broomfield hospital.

“We will also be opening this weekend, serving free meals for those who are vulnerable in our community and NHS staff! So if you know anyone under that category, you are welcome to come in and collect a meal for them!

“Stay safe everyone and let’s look out for each other and our community!” The restaurant uploaded photos and videos of what they were doing on Facebook for all to see.

Some NHS staff even thanked them in the comments for lunch. One said: “Thank you so much really enjoy it on my break, working Broomfield A&E.”

35. Care home residents make rainbow art to thank carers and NHS workers

Residents of a care home in Stisted showed their appreciation for the home’s staff and key workers in their community by creating a giant rainbow poster. The RMBI Care Co. Home Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court is closed to all but essential visitors.

But spirits are being kept high; one woman at the home reassured staff saying: “Don’t worry, we’ve been through worse than this.”

Vera Smith, 88, helped to create the thank you poster for staff and gave it a personal touch by adding a paint imprint of her foot. The activities coordinator, Dani Lane, said: “We did it to make all of our amazing staff and key workers who come to our home and support our residents feel appreciated.

“It was great fun for everyone, though the residents thought I was absolutely crazy when I was explaining to them what we were going to do.

“Our residents are coping very well under the circumstances and we’re doing everything we can to keep up morale and to support our residents’ wellbeing. Some of them don’t understand the situation, but some do and they just say to us don’t worry as we have been through worse than this.”

36. Maldon & District Community Voluntary Services

Maldon and District Community Voluntary Services has been awarded a monetary grant to help it continue with its support in the community.

Working with other community groups and bodies, a coordinated community response has been created for people in the Maldon District.

It includes the Salvation Army, Maldon District Council, Community Agents, Action for Family Carers, Essex Befriends, Churches Together in Maldon, the Maldon family hub, and Maldon Citizens Advice Bureau.

A local phone number 01621 851997 has been set up and will be answered from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week. They work to organise volunteers to help with things such as, food parcels, prescription pick ups, pet care parcels, child care bundles, telephone befriending, safe and well checks, and business signposting.

Awarded £12,000 from the Essex Coronavirus Response and Recovery Programme.

Essex Community Foundation (ECF) is working with the National Emergencies Trust (NET) to raise and distribute funds to support charities and community groups during the outbreak.

Sarah Troop, from Maldon and District CVS, said: “We are just so grateful for the Support from ECF.

“We are working in partnership with 20 organisations across the Maldon district and this money will help make sure the support gets to where it’s needed.”

37. Harlow Citizens Advice Bureau support the community

Harlow Citizens Advice Bureau has been awarded £2,000 to help the organisation continue to support people in the community.

The money was granted through the Essex Coronavirus Response and Recovery Programme, to help provide additional IT equipment to staff and volunteers to ensure they can respond to an increased demand.

Ayub Khan, chief executive officer at Harlow Citizens Advice Bureau, said: “Given the current Covid-19 crisis we have quickly moved to deliver telephone, web-chat and email advice service.

“We have a number of experienced volunteers who are able to work from home but do not have available a laptop or may only have one PC at home which is being shared by their family.

“Through the grant we have purchased four laptops and they will be allocated to experienced volunteers so that they are able to continue delivering general and specialist telephone web chat and email advice services to Harlow residents whilst they work from home.”

Essex Community Foundation (ECF) is working with the National Emergencies Trust (NET) to raise and distribute funds to support charities and community groups during the outbreak.

38. Chelmsford Community Transport look after our elderly

Whilst everyone is very aware of what carers and NHS workers are doing to help the most vulnerable, other groups are also working hard to support these members of the community. Chelmsford Community Transport is one such group, and has been awarded £1,250 through the Essex Coronavirus Response and Recovery Programme to help it continue its work.

The group check in with each service user, many of whom are over 70, that they are well and have access to food and their medications. The organisation said it has highlighted who was most vulnerable and has been taking food shopping requests.

The drivers have been collecting the shopping and medication and delivering it to people. Clair Dade, chief executive at Chelmsford Community Transport, said: “We are still providing our passengers with essential hospital and GP transport for appointments that cannot be cancelled or rearranged.

“We are also available to help Community Shield, the Food Bank and the NHS to deliver food parcels and medication throughout the wider community as and when we are needed.

“The grant from Essex Community Foundation, has ensured that we can pay for fuel whilst travelling around Chelmsford. It has been a relief to know that we can continue to help.”

39. Life-saving parcels being sent across the world

An Essex child care charity is delivering life-saving parcels to protect some of the most vulnerable families worldwide from Covid-19. For most of us, having soap, water and sanitiser are some of the basic essentials we have easy access to help stay safe against coronavirus. But for many across the world, they do not have access to these basic necessities.

Stand by Me is helping over 1,250 children and their families in Ethiopia and Colombia, where they are poorly equipped to deal with the outbreak. The authorities have closed all schools to try and minimise the spread of the virUs, but this leaves many children without their daily-school meals which are a lifeline to many families.

This means malnourishment and starvation are very real dangers. But thanks to the team at Stand by Me in Essex, essential food parcels are being delivered and money is reaching staff in Ethiopia and Colombia to buy supplies.

40. Virtually Together- the kids choir singing in isolation

A children’s choir has gone viral after sharing a video of them singing for the NHS. The group of children, aged between six and 15, formed the Virtually Together Kids Choir to sing a cover of Coldplay’s song ‘Fix You’.

The children, who are young budding actors, sang the song in honour of the NHS workers that inspire them every day. Amazingly, they all managed to record the song within self-isolation from each of their homes, before it was put together by one of the dads.

Since the video was uploaded onto Youtube and Twitter, it has already been retweeted by several famous faces, including the one and only Stacey Solomon. It has been viewed around 35,000 times, with hundreds of messages below, thanking the children and the NHS.

The children have certainly had their moment in the spotlight where their song has even been aired on the radio, helping to spread the love for the NHS that little bit further.

41. Kids Inspire provides essential mental health support

CEO Sue and some of the Kids Inspire staff

An Essex charity is working non-stop to provide essential mental health support for increasing numbers of children during the pandemic. As demand for mental health support increases for children, the charity Kids Inspire are offering virtual therapy sessions online.

As lockdown prevents vital local services from doing much of the work they would normally, they are offering online support for parents/carers and children, as well as online consultations for teachers, health workers and other key workers.

But they are in desperate need for more funding to be able to reach out to more vulnerable children and their families at this difficult time. Mental Health support is more important than ever. Kids Inspire’ therapy aims to nurture the strengths of a child and build resilience at an unprecedented time.

Sue Bell, CEO, Founder and Clinical Director at Kids Inspire, said: “We have already seen an increased demand for our services which fill a gap in available mental health support.

“Our critical working team have remained resilient during this ongoing emergency state and have adapted swiftly, where possible, to virtual therapy. The plan is now to continue offering our services, but now to a new set of service users, who by circumstance might fall victim to emerging mental health issues.”

42. Fundraising for pizza truck to provide food for Broomfield Hospital

An artisan pizza company is raising money so they can make as much pizza as possible to give to the amazing NHS staff at Broomfield Hospital.

As the pandemic has worsened and pressure on the NHS has piled on, Emile and Louise who work at StrEat Pizzas in Essex decided they had to do something to help. The pair are determined to raise £5,000 so that they can keep making delicious artisan pizzas for some of our hardworking NHS staff.

From their retro pizza truck, Emile and Louise plan to park up outside Broomfield Hospital, ready to provide some tasty and well-deserved pizza. The donations have already got off to an amazing start, with messages from the community rallying behind the business to serve their local hospital.

They hope that even sharing just one slice of pizza might help to put a smile on someone’s face and keep morale high during such stressful times. If all goes to plan, they will be back outside the hospital in two weeks, ready to serve up their slices of pizza - but they need as much support to make that goal possible.

43. Age UK Essex coronavirus appeal to help continue helping the elderly

Age UK have seen 197% increase in requests for help

Age UK have launched an emergency fundraising appeal to ensure they continue to help our elderly population who are facing long periods of isolation.

As the older generation have been told to stay inside and isolate, many are struggling with loneliness - unable to see family or friends, as well as difficulties accessing things basic essentials. In just one month, the number of people asking for help from Age UK has increased by over 197 per cenr.

Calls alone have increased by 62 per cent, another figure which sadly they expect to rise again. Every day, volunteers are helping to support some of the most vulnerable people in our communities, to help relieve isolation and give them a helping hand.

They expect the number of requests to continue increasing as the coronavirus crisis continues. Despite the huge increase in calls, the charity has seen a large decrease in income. Now more than ever, they need support to keep doing the incredible work they do.

Even just simply helping someone get the medication they need can make a world of difference. One volunteer arranged a vital prescription delivery within a matter of hours for a lady who urgently needed her epilepsy medication - just one example of the good work they do.

44. The Witham company fundraising to fund 3D printing shields for the NHS

A Witham construction company is making 10,000 face shields for doctors, nurses and staff running our hospitals every day. After hearing about the terrifying shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) inside hospitals across Essex, the company Stealth Mounts decided they had to do something to help.

With access to a 3D printer, the team decided to produce face masks for doctors, nurses and hospital staff going in every day to save people’s lives, all while risking their own.

They have set themselves the whopping target of 10,000 face shields for health care providers, with the aim of making them as soon as possible. But they can’t do it alone - they need to raise as much money as possible to get the material and tools to make all the masks.

In one day, the team can make around 30 masks with their 3D printer, which means it could take some time to hit the 10,000 mark. But with as much help as possible, they hope that they can speed up the process with more printers and material to make enough masks to protect our incredible NHS workers.

45. Essex construction firm donates 1000 protective masks to Basildon Hospital

An Essex construction company has donated 1,000 protective masks for staff at Basildon Hospital. To help keep frontline staff safe, Lemon Groundwork Solutions in Wickford decided to donate 1,000 of their FFP3 protective masks to staff in Basildon Hospital.

As they handed over 100 boxes filled with the vital protective equipment to staff, they said the masks were like “gold dust”. They “immediately ripped open” the boxes and rushed them inside the clinical areas. Now, the construction company is urging others like themselves up and down the country to help their local hospitals.

Lemon Groundwork Solutions’ managing director, Paul Hart, said: “The team at Basildon were over the moon with our donation and thanked us repeatedly during the handover, stating that the masks are like gold dust. They immediately ripped open the top case and were carrying handfuls of boxes into the clinical areas before Chris had even driven out of the car park!

“FFP3 masks protect the wearer from solid and liquid aerosols, so they’re crucial in the fight against Covid-19, and I urge all construction companies across the UK to donate their PPE, especially businesses who conduct welding because they will use the top P3 masks.”

46. Teachers and students attend virtual lessons in Witham

The school can now do everything virtually

With hundreds of school closures across the county, there has been a world of innovation and imagination from teachers and pupils alike to keep up learning at home. No more so than Maltings Academy and New Rickstones Academy in Witham, which have dived into the virtual world to continue providing their usual lessons to pupils.

Both schools have been classed as ‘Google Schools’ for some time, meaning they could make the transition from inside the classroom to virtual classroom quite easily.

Teachers can give live demonstrations and teach their classes as well as provide a place where students can access work, revision guides, website links and shortcuts to programmes. Teachers can even “hang out” in staff rooms together in their virtual world.

Daren White, learning technologies and communication lead for both schools, said: “We have been able to continue teaching classes from day one of the school shutdown. We are setting work for our students, they are able to submit it and we are able to feedback to them, all in the same place. Our students have constant access to us, their teachers.

“It is not business as usual, but we are continuing the business of education in difficult circumstances. Our students are responding really well.”

47. Broomfield Hospital's poem to help children understand protective wear

Jackie Crane came up with a fun and memorable poem for little ones

An NHS worker has penned a clever poem to share with children to help them understand protective equipment. Mid Essex Hospital Services shared the rhyming poem on Twitter last week to help little ones understand why doctors and nurses wear so much equipment.

They shared the poem by Jackie Crane, who works on Phoenix Ward in Broomfield, saying: “How do you explain to a child in hospital why everyone is suddenly in protective wear? The brilliant poem by Phoenix ward's Jackie Crane is all you need!

"Because PPE might look strange or scary for little ones - but now they will only giggle when they think of the ‘spaceman nurse’, helping to protect everyone from the nasty coronavirus germs."

The poem starts: “Please don’t be scared, it’s only me! Just being prepared, come over and see… Don’t I look funny? I think I look good, in my gloves, my gown and my spaceman hood! But why do I wear this, I can hear you say, why of course, it’s to keep all those germs away!

“They won’t come near cos I’m as safe as can be to take care and protect you do just follow me. Bye bye nasty germs you can’t get me! My spaceman nurse will help to keep me germ free!”

48. Wickford chef cooking for Broomfield Hospital

Kate Mahady wanted to give something back to her community

A Wickford Cook is helping feed the frontline in the battle against coronavirus with her delicious Mexican dishes. Kate Mahady was a quarter-finalist on the BBC show Best Home Cook, but now she is using her abilities for an even more special audience.

Over the last few days, Kate has been busy in her kitchen cooking for her local hospital Broomfield. As a keen food blogger, Kate had been sharing her recipes online with her followers to give them tips for cooking throughout the lockdown.

But then she thought about the staff working in hospitals unable to make their own dishes and decided to start delivering to them too. All the dishes she bakes for the workers are wrapped up like a ready meal so they are easy for staff to open up and tuck into.

On her Instagram, she posted: “Although us food bloggers are hopefully helping people at home with recipes etc I suddenly thought well imagine a nurse or doctor sitting at home looking through my posts wishing they had the time or energy to cook anything I’m posting, so here is my gift to you!!”

49. Maldon manufacturer switch to make urgently needed PPE equipment for NHS

A Maldon-based manufacturer has switched to making urgently needed PPE equipment for NHS staff fighting against Covid-19. Blackman & White has responded to the national call for urgent PPE by getting its engineers to create a visor that is made from polycarbonate or acetate.

Wherever the firm has spare capacity in their industrial estate in Maldon, they are using their state of the art routers and laser machines to create 300 units every day. But bosses are appealing for help from other businesses to source material that is currently hard to find or not the right quality.

It is crucial that they can get the best and most appropriate material to keep our nurses and doctors safe. Eiko White, Director at Blackman & White, commented: “We have all seen the terrible stories of our heroic doctors, nurses and care workers fighting the Covid-19 virus without the right PPE.

“It’s heartbreaking and we wanted to try to do what we can to help in some small way. Our team looked at the machines available to us and which products we could design and manufacture from scratch, starting with a visor but with the possibility to follow-up with other much-needed PPE.”

50. How a Queen's Hospital nurse's daughter became 'famous' during lockdown

Evelyn often does charity work as part of her pageants

A six-year-old girl from Romford has become the talk of her town because of the amazing things she has done during the coronavirus pandemic. She has become ‘famous’ in her community after a long list of accomplishments, bringing smiles to people young and old.

Evelyn Osborne, from Collier Row, is one pretty special little girl and she is on a mission to make people smile during the national lockdown. The national pageant contestant has drawn pictures for care homes, stuck posters around her town, and even started a game of noughts and crosses with her postman.

But helping people is nothing new for Evelyn - she has always helped with fundraisers, but now she is going the extra mile. Her mum, Bethany, 23, who is a nurse at Queens Hospital, has spoken of her pride.

Bethany said: "We wanted to see what we could do to still help people around where we live. Evelyn wanted to create a game of noughts and crosses with the post man. She comes up with these ideas all herself and I just help make them happen for her."

51. The pen-pal project to tackle social isolation

Anisha Grange Care Home in Billericay has kick-started a pen-pal club to help tackle social isolation in the community. The residential, dementia and nursing home, which has been closed to visitors following Government advice, started the pen-pal club and advertised for people to get involved on social media.

Since their post on Facebook and Twitter, the home’s 68 residents have received 30 postcards, letters and pictures from the community and pupils at Rayleigh and Sunnymede Primary School.

Carl Roberts, customer relationship manager at Anisha Grange Care Home, said: “We are very aware of all the people living in Billericay and the surrounding area who are isolating themselves during this difficult time, so we set up the pen pal club as we hope to spread a little bit of joy through the mail.

“Taking the time to sit down and write a thoughtful note to a stranger is a simple pleasure. Sharing ideas and telling stories is so valuable at a time where we can feel further from our neighbours than ever before.”