20 years ago (2005)
The C-I school board's declaration of an impasse in negotiations with the teachers' union doesn't rule out future talks, but none are scheduled. Meanwhile, Education Minnesota announced the statewide union is suing the C-I school district and Supt. Linda Lawrie in county court for violations of state law.
30 years ago (1995)
Those concerned about the proliferation of billboards along the Hwy 371 corridor have been granted a reprieve by the county board. The board voted unanimously for a 60-day moratorium while the Sign Task Force is charged with drafting a new ordinance to regulate sign size and separation.
40 years ago (1985)
(Photo) Staples' Kris Borash, Darci Peterson, Kyra Odden and Kristi Wolhowe whooped it up after they beat Milroy 49-39 for the state Class A girls' basketball title. In Class 2A it was Central Minnesota again, as Little Falls repeated as state champs, beating Mankato East 48-43 under Coach Jerry Cool.
60 years ago (1965)
According to Dave Reed, city engineer, the snow storm that roared into town on March 1 has raised havoc with the city's snow removal budget. It cost $4,000 and cleanup isn't done yet. Total expense so far in calendar 1965 has been $8,453 against a budget of $6,000. And any storms coming in November or December will only add to the shortfall.
80 years ago (1945)
Brainerd bowlers, who dominated the action among 55 teams at the Alexandria tournament, brought home some money. Land O' Lakes took home $75 for third in the team event, Nate Schuety got $30 for 5th in singles, and George Drake $22.50 for 7th place. Joe Koering and Louie Imgrund got $15 in doubles.
100 years ago (1925)
After lengthy discussion, the board of education voted 7 to 3 in favor of calling a special school election on April 7th. Purpose of the election is to vote on whether the board should issue $350,000 in bonds to purchase a site and then build and equip a new high school.
8/46: First shipment of iron ore on the Cuyuna Range from the Kennedy Mine.
27/46: People in the Northern Pacific Railroad depot waiting area, circa 1910. Source: 'Out of the Woods, A Pictorial History of The Brainerd Lakes Area', Published by The Brainerd Daily Dispatch. Copyright 1994.
28/46: Chicago Tavern on Gilbert Lake circa 1938-1943. Dancing and food. Al LaBarre was the owner. Source: 'Out of the Woods, A Pictorial History of The Brainerd Lakes Area' published by The Brainerd Daily Dispatch. Copyright 1994.
29/46: State Champion was this Brainerd amateur baseball team of 1894, which later saw two of those players advance to the major leagues. Pictured here are (front row) Frary, catcher; Phyle, rf-pit.; Howe, pit., rf; C. McCarthy, 1st; (middle row) Burgum, shortstop, W.P. Buckley, manager; Hill; 3rd; (back row) W. McCarthy, cf; Blandy, lf; Warner, 2nd. Source: 'Brainerd Minnesota 1871 - 1971'. Reproduced from the Centennial Edition of the Brainerd Daily Dispatch. Copyright 1971.
35/46: Brainerd Fire Department. Dispatch archives
36/46: W.E. Lively, the hustling Maxwell auto dealer, has sold a Maxwell to Joseph Johnson. Pictured is a Maxwell Mascotte Touring 1911 by Lars-Göran Lindgren Sweden - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
37/46: This truck belonged to Silas Hall's Transfer Line just after World War I. It was used for hauling freight from the NP (Northern Pacific Railroad) depot to stores around town as well as for other kinds of moving. The picture was taken in front of the railroad freight office. Before the truck, Silas Hal used teams of horses and wagons which he kept at 415 Main (now Washington Street). Source: Brainerd Minnesota 1871 - 1971. Reproduced from the Centennial Edition of the Brainerd Daily Dispatch.
38/46: The 1916 Brainerd police force, pictured here, included the following men: The plain clothes men at either end were Jack Brandt (left) and Ted Nesheim; (front row, left to right) Charles Varner, chief, and Tom Templeton. (Rear, left to right) Erick Graff, Hans Saude and August Swanson. Source: Brainerd Minnesota 1871 - 1971. Reproduced from the Centennial Edition of the Brainerd Daily Dispatch.
39/46: This building at Seventh and Laurel, still a well-known landmark in Brainerd, was the home of the Citizen's State Bank, from 1909 to 1927, when the bank then moved to quarters across the street. This picture was taken in 1913. Source: Brainerd Minnesota 1871 - 1971. Reproduced from the Centennial Edition of the Brainerd Daily Dispatch.
40/46: The "fill" grounds skating rink, located near Franklin Junior High School, winter of 1938-39. Source: 'Out of the Woods, A Pictorial History of The Brainerd Lakes Area', Published by The Brainerd Daily Dispatch. Copyright 1994.
41/46: 60 years ago (1959) (Photo) Robert Dobson, 15, is interested in how long he can keep a kite aloft. He launched a kite at 3 p.m. yesterday near the court house and it's still flying despite a near disaster when a truck caught the kite string. The weatherman says it will remain windy today. Photo illustration, Metro Creative Graphics, Inc.
42/46: Brainerd Dispatch archives
43/46: The state hospital campus on Highway 18.
44/46: Santa takes a ride during a Christmas parade in downtown Brainerd.
45/46: Children crowd around Santa during downtown Brainerd Christmas festivities.