Omnicom, IPG Investors Urged To Weigh Fossil Fuel Risk

Industry advocacy group Clean Creatives is launching a campaign this week urging Omnicom and Interpublic shareholders to consider what it calls the numerous risks that the combined company would be exposed to by serving 124 fossil fuel accounts. 

The campaign comes about a week before investors are scheduled to vote on the merger on March 18. 

The effort includes an open letter to shareholders and a LinkedIn ad campaign developed by the Clean Creatives in-house team.  



Among the fossil fuel clients served by the two holding companies are ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, Saudi Armco and Suncor, all with multiple service contracts. 

The letter points to competitors who have acknowledged the business risks posed by fossil fuel clients, including WPP who cited such clients as “their top reputational risk” in the holding company’s 2023 annual report.  

It also noted Havas’ loss of B Corp status last year after it took on a new Shell contract in 2023.  

The letter also cites potential legal exposure to agencies with fossil fuel accounts, noting for example that a lawsuit filed against ExxonMobil by the Massachusetts Attorney General's office cites work by Omnicom and IPG subsidiaries. 

One of the LinkedIn ads points out that 80 lawsuits have been filed against fossil fuel companies’ “misleading communications.” 

The letter also cites “conflicts of interest” with clients in other categories, asserting that climate change is negatively impacting companies in fields like insurance and consumer goods. 

“Given these financial, legal and reputational risks, we urge shareholders to push for a rigorous examination of fossil fuel client exposure as part of the upcoming merger process,” the letter states. “We believe a fossil-free Omnicom-IPG would further accentuate the company’s strengths while mitigating potential weaknesses.” 

1 comment about "Omnicom, IPG Investors Urged To Weigh Fossil Fuel Risk".
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  1. Thomas Siebert from BENEVOLENT PROPAGANDA, March 10, 2025 at 11:37 a.m.

    A- They're not "fossil fuels." The term itself is a fundamental lie. Oil is an abiotic liquid: It replenishes itself like water underground. I even had a daughter of a top oil company exec in California admit this to me once as she laughed and laughed at the foolishness & scientific ignorance of the general public. 
    B- Going to the Clean Creatives website, I don't see a single mention of China nor India, two nations whose pollution output dwarfs the rest of the world, including the United States (by far). Thus I can only surmise Clean Creatives is yet another anti-West non-profit propped up by shadowy globalist forces to destablize America & other capitalist nations.

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