Today is Friday, the 14th of February of 2025,
February 14 is the 45th day of the year
320 days remain until the end of the year
34 days until spring begins
It is observed in most countries as Valentine's Day.
The sun will rise in San Francisco at 6:59:48 am
and sunset will be at 5:49:12 pm.
We will have 10 hours and 49 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 12:24:30 pm.
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 52.2°F
The first high tide was at 12:09 am at 5.27 feet
The first low tide was at 5:42 am at 1.86 feet
The next high tide will be later this morning at 11:25 am at 5.48 feet
and the final low tide at Ocean Beach will be this evening at 5:57 pm at 0.16 feet
The Moon is currently 96.2% visible
It’s a Waning Gibbous moon
We’ll have the Last Quarter Moon in 6 days next Thursday the 20th of February of 2025 at 9:33 am
On this day in Black History….
February 14 is celebrated as the birthday of Frederick Douglass,
The abolitionist, author, and orator who fought for the freedom of Black Americans
And on February 14, 1957
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was established and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. served as president.
Today is…..
International Winter Bike to Work Day
National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
National No One Eats Alone Day
Today is also…..
Statehood Day (Arizona, United States)
Statehood Day (Oregon, United States)
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Parents' Worship Day (parts of India)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with…..
1483 – Babur, Moghul emperor (d. 1530)
1882 – John Barrymore, American actor (d. 1942)
1894 – Jack Benny, American actor and producer (d. 1974)
1895 – Max Horkheimer, German philosopher and sociologist (d. 1973)
1913 – Jimmy Hoffa, American trade union leader (d. 1975)
1916 – Edward Platt, American actor (d. 1974)
1921 – Hugh Downs, American journalist, game show host, and producer (d. 2020)
1929 – Vic Morrow, American actor and director (d. 1982)
1934 – Florence Henderson, American actress and singer (d. 2016)
1937 – Magic Sam, American singer and guitarist (d. 1969) 1939 – Blowfly, American singer-songwriter and producer (d. 2016)
1941 – Donna Shalala, American academic and politician, 18th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
1941 – Paul Tsongas, American lawyer and politician (d. 1997)
1942 – Michael Bloomberg, American businessman and politician, 108th Mayor of New York City
1943 – Maceo Parker, American saxophonist
1944 – Carl Bernstein, American journalist and author
1946 – Gregory Hines, American actor, singer, and dancer (d. 2003)
1947 – Tim Buckley, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 1975)
1948 – Kitten Natividad, Mexican-American actress and dancer (d. 2022)
1948 – Pat O'Brien, American journalist and author
1951 – Terry Gross, American radio host and producer
1956 – Dave Dravecky, American baseball player
1959 – Renée Fleming, American soprano and actress
1960 – Meg Tilly, American actress and author
1967 – Mark Rutte, Dutch businessman and politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands
1970 – Simon Pegg, English actor, director, and producer
….also on this day in history…..
1849 – In New York City, James Knox Polk becomes the first serving President of the United States to have his photograph taken.
1855 – Texas is linked by telegraph to the rest of the United States, with the completion of a connection between New Orleans and Marshall, Texas.
1876 – Alexander Graham Bell applies for a patent for the telephone, as does Elisha Gray.
1899 – Voting machines are approved by the U.S. Congress for use in federal elections.
1903 – The United States Department of Commerce and Labor is established (later split into the Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor).
1918 – Russia adopts the Gregorian calendar.
1920 – The League of Women Voters is founded in Chicago.
1924 – The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company changes its name to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
1945 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt meets King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia aboard the USS Quincy, officially beginning U.S.-Saudi diplomatic relations.
1961 – Discovery of the chemical elements: Element 103, Lawrencium, is first synthesized at the University of California.
2005 – YouTube is launched by a group of college students, eventually becoming the largest video sharing website in the world and a main source for viral videos.
2011 – As a part of Arab Spring, the Bahraini uprising begins with a 'Day of Rage'.
2018 – A shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida is one of the deadliest school massacres with 17 fatalities and 17 injuries.