As a women’s ministry director, I’ve heard lots of opinions on how to promote, facilitate, and maintain ministry to women in the church. Someone is always looking for more or less than what a given ministry offers. Maybe women want to see more (or less) social gatherings, Bible studies, mentorship opportunities, and resources.
We should consider feedback from women in our churches as we make ministry plans. But not all expectations need to become a reality.
In my years serving in women’s ministry, I’ve come to see that the culture of a ministry is more important than the calendar of events. As Charles Spurgeon explained, “If humble walking with God be neglected, the church cannot long remain a healthy church of God.” Underneath all the programs, events, and resources, we need to cultivate a culture of humbly pursuing godliness through ordinary faithfulness.
What Is Ordinary?
In the early church’s example, we see the value of ordinary means for pursuing Christian fellowship and spiritual growth. The book of Acts shows the saints gathering in homes, sharing meals, praying, and hearing the Word preached. In his letters, Paul instructs believers to be diligent in the “one anothers”—like admonishing, encouraging, bearing, helping, and loving. These actions are to characterize relationships between believers.
Underneath all the programs, events, and resources, we need to cultivate a culture of humbly pursuing godliness.
Larger, organized gatherings and events undoubtedly produce fruit, and they can aid women in fellowship and growth. But it’s not the formal program that answers a midnight call for prayer. It’s a fellow sister. It’s not the quarterly women’s dinner or yearly retreat that keeps us saturated in Scripture, regularly confessing our sin, and looking to the Savior in our darkest hour. It’s the weekly preaching of the Word and our daily devotions.
Women’s ministry should point women to ordinary means of growth and fellowship, not replace them. We want our women to look forward to formal events and programs but not solely depend on them for fellowship. We want our women to enjoy coming to Bible study but not leave their Bibles closed otherwise. We want our women to feel welcomed by leadership but not overlook the wise counsel sitting beside them in the pew.
We want our women to understand that growing in Christ, exercising spiritual discernment, and interceding for one another should be happening in believers’ everyday lives. So our ministries shouldn’t unintentionally communicate that our programs, courses, dinners, and formal groups are the primary means of growing in grace.
Let Programs Promote Ordinary Faithfulness
This is good news for leaders. The spiritual health of our women doesn’t rest in our plans and programs. No matter what gatherings and initiatives we run, we cannot program godliness. But that doesn’t mean we give up on programs altogether. Instead, in everything we do, we strive to create a culture that values faithfulness and fellowship.
For example, it’s often easier for women to show up to a planned social event at church than to personally organize a lunch with a few women. But it’s not an either-or situation. If you’re intentional about the structure and message of events, they can be a springboard for deeper relationships. In every formal class, dinner, and book club, find ways to point women back to spiritual fellowship in daily life—gathering in a home for coffee and conversation, sharing burdens and praying for one another, or memorizing Scripture together.
We want our women to enjoy coming to Bible study but not leave their Bibles closed otherwise.
To cultivate a culture that values these pursuits, be aware of how many programs and events your ministry offers. As my church has grown, we’ve been intentionally slow to implement new programs, and we’ve found that less is more. We want to offer helpful opportunities for equipping and fellowship. But the more space our programs and events take on someone’s calendar, the less capacity she has for pursuing the Lord and others in her daily life. Seek a healthy balance.
My fellow sister in leadership, be encouraged. True spiritual growth happens through the simple, Spirit-led activities of the church body, not solely through our ministry events and programs. While it’s good for us to listen to the interests and expectations of our women, we don’t need to go to extraordinary means to implement every request. We often help our women the most when we encourage them toward ordinary faithfulness.
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