13 Hobbies That Apparently Have Massive A-Hole Energy, And Some Of These Are Pretty Shocking

    "People can be immensely toxic, don't take criticism, and frankly can be addicted to it."

    It's pretty safe to say that any hobby or pastime people put their time, energy, and money into can have the ability to create...monsters.

    Person in a studio mixes paint on a palette, surrounded by easels and artwork. Focus on creative process

    So when Reddit user u/Animeking1108 asked the question, "What hobby or interest is full of assholes?" in r/AskReddit, I knew the answers would be incredibly eye-opening:

    1. "Generally the car scene is very toxic. The low-class, street takeover crowd is full of degenerates. The high-class, exotic collectors are often pompous douchebags. Even in the middle, you get the worst of both worlds. It's not all bad, but it's definitely easy to come across pricks."

    A bustling outdoor car show displays various vintage and modern cars parked on a grassy field, attracting numerous visitors

    2. "Pickleball used to be a peaceful activity and sport that was geared towards the elderly population. Unfortunately, the finance bros and douchers have taken it to another level.'"


    3. "Youth travel baseball. Not the kids (at least not ALL of them). Many of the parents are such unbelievable DOUCHEBAG ASSHOLES; it is unreal. We have played travel-level soccer, hockey, and a little basketball (no football), and the baseball dads trying to relive their glory days through their kids or the team they coach is astounding."

    A baseball coach, wearing a mask and glove, talks to a young player in a uniform holding a ball at a field

    4. "High-end makeup communities. I started a beauty blog years ago and quickly realized how toxic it is."


    5. "I go to the gun range a lot. For the most part, people are very nice and happy to let you look over their cool stuff. But there is a small section of that crowd that are the biggest assholes you'll ever meet."

    A person wearing ear protection aims a handgun at targets in an indoor shooting range

    6. "Skydiving. Like any other hobby, there are all levels of skill. The 'Sky Ninjas,' as we call them, can be unbearable."


    7. "Dog shows. The owners who are also their dogs' show handlers are so competitive and don't like newcomers; it's very cliquey. Fortunately, the breeder I got my dog from helped guide me. My dog became a champion, and I was done."

    Person in patterned jacket presenting a Basenji dog on a show podium, surrounded by trophies and flower arrangements

    8. "Road biking. I’ve never dipped into a hobby that was more full of self-important fucking assholes. Mountain biking, no problems at all. Road bikes? Pretentious assholes, as far as the eye can see!"


    9. "Gaming, sadly. People can be immensely toxic, don't take criticism, and frankly can be addicted to it. The 2-5% of gamers who are in the toxic category make the whole hobby look horrific to everyone, and it being used as a scapegoat for gun violence/violence in general doesn't help its image. Not to mention how a large portion of people perceive it and those who game."

    Person wearing headphones sitting at a computer desk, gaming or working, illuminated by ambient lighting in a dimly lit room

    10. "Bird watching. My dad was a birder, and he got me interested because we both love the outdoors and nature. But the stereotypes about middle-aged guys in cargo shorts with gadgets hanging off, big lenses, stupid hats, and snotty attitudes are pretty much the case."

    "Half of them are more about their gear than the birds, and they love to crap on those who are 'obviously just tourists,' as if they’re going to offend the birds by asking what their genus is."


    11. "Wine collectors/wine snobs — the obsessive behaviors, the 'wine speak,' they can be pompous asses. There have been numerous blind taste tests with expensive wines and cheap wines; the 'experts' can't tell the difference."

    Man in a suit smelling a glass of wine by a window, capturing a moment of tasting or evaluating wine

    12. "Poker. Not once have I entered a card room and not seen, heard, or interacted with some form of degenerate scum. Great game though."


    And finally here's one about a hobby you would never guess:

    13. "Crochet. It's a very toxic environment. People who crochet have very strong opinions about where others buy their yarn. Not everyone can pay $10 a skein Karen. You shop where you shop, and let me shop where I shop! Keep your opinions to yourself!"

    Person knitting with red yarn, wearing a cozy sweater, seated indoors. Yarn basket nearby

    Do you have your own experience with a hobby or interest that you believe attracts an unpleasant asshole vibe? Let me know in the comments!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.