DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) -- Kelvin Jones couldn't believe how expensive his utility bill had gotten during the past month. It's something that his mother complained about.
"It's raised almost $75 more. That's crazy," said Jones. "Very expensive. Very. It's ridiculous, actually."
Duke Energy recognizes the plight. Last year, the agency said nearly 9 million of its customers were provided with energy assistance across the state.
"We recognize that January and February customers will experience higher bills," said Jeff Brooks with Duke Energy.
Duke Energy is expanding its assistance programs for customers in need.
Its Customer Assistance Program (CAP) is a 12-month program that provides monthly credit of up to $42 to qualifying customers. Its Share the Light Fund offers assistance to customers who need help paying their energy bills. Additionally, installment plans are customized payment plans to break down charges into more manageable installments, helping make larger amounts more manageable.
"This is a tough time of year and we're going to get to those spring temperatures which will be milder and those bills will come back down," said Brooks.
According to the National Weather Service, last month was more than six degrees colder than the previous year, which led to approximately 32% higher energy use for heating purposes.
"The best advice is don't wait until you get to the point where you're facing disconnection or a challenging bill. Reach out as early as possible," said Brooks.