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Paulina Mustazza Leadership Coaching to be Featured on Close Up Radio

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, May 10, 2021 / -- Leadership is critical to everyday life in both business and in our personal lives. Business leaders need to create a healthy culture, motivate employees towards success, and inspire the very best in their workforce. In our personal lives, we have a myriad of decisions to make at each stage of life, decisions about education, marriage and family, health, etc. Whether we know it or not, each of us can lead ourselves to create what we deeply want. This however, takes insight and curiousity about who you are and what matters most to you.

Paulina is an esteemed Life and Leadership Coach and owner of Paulina Mustazza Leadership Coaching.

“My work’s primary focus is on helping clients develop their self-awareness and self-management,” says Paulina. “Through in-depth, one-on-one conversations, we learn how to better manage our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and body patterns. The greater one’s self-awareness and self-management, the more personal power and choice we have. We learn to see what stops us from fulfilling our dreams,” says Paulina. “This understanding greatly influences our leadership potential in business and our personal lives. As our awareness and self-management grows, we see differently and consequently, act differently to create what really matters to us.”

By offering a creative, non-judgmental space, along with the right tools and strategies, Paulina both respectfully challenges and supports her clients and offers us the opportunity to be the best version of ourselves. Whether you are leading yourself in business or personally, you are actively creating a life. If your life is not what you want it to be, coaching can offer transformation.

“We become leaders when we choose to take an active role in our lives, by questioning assumptions, changing patterns, and unlocking our potential both personally and professionally,” says Paulina.

We all have the capabilities to develop a leader mindset to inspire others. Even in our personal lives we can live with purpose, express our vulnerabilities, and inspire others.

Paulina says, “When we become frustrated, angry, or anxious, as examples, our emotional patterns get in the way of our goals. By building our awareness we can shift our perspective, view our life and leadership through a different lens, and see what we could not before. Our new way of seeing brings new actions which literally creates desired results that were not possible before.”

For Paulina, coaching is about creating a non-judgemental, safe, and welcoming space in which she and her clients can be curious and explore. The right questions generate curiousity and encourage the clients to dig deep and discover what is in their way of creating the life they want.

“The most successful leaders bring their whole authentic selves to their position, know how to align work with personal values, and lead others with vision and inspiration. They know how to use their bodies to project powerful leadship presence and as a resource of wisdom. This approach is called Embodied Leadership.”

Paulina explains that embodied leadership integrates a healthy mind and body. She employs somatic techniques to bring mind-body awareness to her clients, who discover that their bodies carry more information than they realize—information that can be used to grow and succeed.

“Coaching is not about improvement. It is about transformation, and that requires learning. It takes courage to listen to your inner voice over time instead of relying on others for answers and validation as we learned to do in childhood. Learn to trust your inner wisdom and you can become a better leader in work and in life. A happier, more successful future is possible.”

Close Up News Radio will feature Paulina Mustazza in a two-part radio interview with Doug Llewelyn and Jim Masters beginning on Wednesday May 12th at 1pm EST

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

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Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
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